Audi Club VIR Advanced Drivers’ School

Date/Time :
Apr05, 2021
All Day

Types :
No Categories

PCC’s annual event for ADVANCED/SOLO Drivers, club racers, and race teams on VIR’s Full Course. This event offers max track time of up to 8 hours/day and advanced class sessions for high performance driving.

General Rules, Regs & Info:

  • Open to Advanced Solo group students (DE4, Group A, Run Group 1 – Advanced , current Instructors-Run Group 0) and those with a current race license from an approved sports car racing sanctioning organization (e.g. SCCA, NASA, PCA, BMWCCA, IMSA, etc)
  • The open track format will maximize run and on-track coaching/instruction time while taking into consideration opportunities to access our guest experts and specialized workshops
  • Our guest experts will offer two sessions each day with Peter and lunchtime discussions with all three covering topics related to high performance driving skills and techniques as well as chassis setups. All are welcome to attend.

General Driver School event rules & regs related to Age & Licensing, Driver Level/Group Guidelines, Open Top and High Center of Gravity Vehicles, Helmets, and Refunds and Cancellations listed on the Driver School Event Rules page are also valid. Please review!

Event Specific Info Packets:
Packets will be posted 4-5 weeks before the event. Download and READ CAREFULLY as they contain important info on tech inspection, waiver forms, on-site registration, etc.

It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to review the packet and have the appropriate forms completed. Updates will also be posted here, on our Facebook page, or via email to attendees, but as the event approaches CHECK BACK OFTEN.

VIR Event Documents:

Registration Fees:

  • Driver’s Fee (all drivers must register) = $550
  • 1-Day Driver’s Fee = $350
  • Individual Coaching = After registering, contact Matt H.

Payment Note: Registration is not complete until payment is received.

If the event fills, a waitlist will be kept based on the date of registration and when payment is received. Preference may be given to Audi-drivers/owners. If a slot in a group opens, the first person on the list will be contacted via email and phone with 24 hours to accept. If they do not, the next person on the list will be contacted and so on.

Lodging Info:

  • VIR: Call for info on The Lodge, Paddock Suites/Garages & Villas. Ask about the “VIR Bucks” program (434-822-7700)

Registration: Register Here!

Contact Matt H. for more info.

Map Unavailable