Wheel Fitment Styles for your Audi

When some tells me that is planning to change the wheels and tires in its car, I ask them “What fitment style are you trying to achieve?” Typically, people prefer to keep it OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and I don’t blame them since it is hard to start changing your wheel and tire setup but sometimes it pays-off when correctly done.

There are many names for wheel fitment styles but we will stick to the four core fitment styles. However, if you are interested in following any of the four fitment styles below please do your research about offset, spacers, camber, tire measurements, etc. before starting to modify your ride. It’s important to understand the desirable bolt patterns, offset, wheel width and adjustments since the last thing you want to happen is end up with the wrong wheel setup and ruin the look of your car or even worse… damage your car.

1. Stance Fitment

The most common and popular fitment right now. Stance fitment is a combination of air suspension, camber, off-set, tow, adjustments, angles and spacers. It’s one of the hardest type of fitment to achieve if you want to make it look right. To achieve the stance fitment you will need to fully understand the wheel/tire setup basics and be ready to spend hours adjusting the vehicle to get the perfect fitment.  

2. Flush Fitment

Personally, my favorite one, specially if you are trying to achieve an OEM overall  look in your car. The flush fitment is when the wheel matches perfectly to the fender liner. This can be achieved with suspension and spacers. However, it will require basic math to calculate the required millimeters, fender gap and inches drop to achieve the perfect flush. Otherwise, you can end up with the wrong setup and fitment style.

3. Tuck Fitment

Basically, is when trying to fit the wheel inside your wheel well or fender. Truck fitment will typically work with air suspension and will make your car look stunning at an auto shows by slamming the car to the ground. It will make your car look wider and bigger. However, it is hard to drive a car slammed specially trying to avoid potholes in San Antonio. If you are planning to go with this wheel fitment style please remember to roll your fenders and go with a higher off-set wheel setup, otherwise; you may end up messing up your fenders and rear panels.

4. Poke Fitment

Typically, you will see this setup in All-road vehicles, American muscle cars, drag and track cars and when you mess up your wheel setup. Poke fitment is when you have wider wheels on the back, sticking out of your rear panels. The right setup will look good in some cars and will achieve an aggressive look but only if you are able to achieve the right setup. A smaller off-set wheel setup with stretch tires is often used to get the poke fitment.  

In conclusion, whatever fitment style you are trying to achieve always do your research first. Wrong fitments can damage the tires, wheels, suspension and fenders of your car. 

Many thanks to Stance Works for the pictures!