2022 Audi Club 1985 Audi quattro Coupé Spring Sweepstakes Assets for Chapter Leaders

[gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="67850"] These photo assets are for Audi Club North America chapter leaders, meant as aids for those sharing the 2022 Audi Club North America sweepstakes for the 1985 Audi quattro Coupé. More images will be added in the coming days and weeks as they become available. Please do not share this blog post. This is where we will be adding photo assets for future promotions. You can download any photo in here Chapter Partnership Sweepstakes Links [gall...

2015 Seefeld, Austria Driving Experience -January 11-15…Is this for real?

SOLD OUT LAST YEAR! ONLY 30 PLACES AVAILABLE! How to be in control, when you’re out of control! Take a solid sheet of ice near the Austrian Alps, world-class Audi instructors, and learn the secrets of how to keep your car under control while drifting and sliding through a series of cones from master driving instructors at Audi. Forget what you thought you knew. Gas. Gas. Gas. Spin. 360s. Oops, another cone. Mark your calendars now to participate in the January 11-15, 2015 Audi A...

Seefeld 2014

Originally published in the Spring 2014 quattro quarterly For anyone and everyone! I'd like to start by saying thank you! I know there is so much that goes into the planning, logistics, organizing and execution of an event like this. Also, I wouldn't change a thing. Every part of the Audi Driving Experience was fantastic, from the minute we arrived in Munich to the bus dropping us off at the airport early Thursday morning. The Audi Driving Experience is for anyone and everyone. If you...