Club News – February 2021

The Audi Club North America is still operating under Covid-19 guidelines for 2021 until further notice.  The Audi Club Kentucky will follow these guidelines until we get the all clear from National.  There are some new requirements for 2021 in our waiver forms.  To comply with the club insurance umbrella policy, the club will require a Communicable Disease waiver to be signed for all club events.  This includes any wheels in motion events, including tours of any kind. International Audi N...

Club News

Since we have State of Ky restrictions on the number of people able to gather as a group, a restaurant or pub meeting is too difficult to plan.  Cars and Coffee is the next best solution where the number of people grouped in one place would be less than 25.  For the Winter months, we are trying to identify a place where social distancing logistics would work.  Updates later. The Club is planning a Fall and a Winter drive as a safe activity.  Since we all or mostly all drive ...