Oconomowoc, WI –
Jim Barton representing the Audi Club Wisconsin Chapter is the Audi Club North America 2017 Member of the Year.
The Audi Club National Board of Directors announced the 2017 Member of the Year (MOY) on the monthly Chapter Leaders conference call Tuesday night. Eight Audi Club members were in contention for the award after being chosen by their respective chapter as Chapter Member of the Year nominees. The nine National Board Directors reviewed the nomination petitions and voted to choose the winner. Board Secretary Gordon Varney reported, “The vote was very close.”
The Member of the Year is the most prestigious acknowledgement that Audi Club North America can bestow on one of its members. It is an honor given in memory of Darlene Lyndsley, Frank Beddor’s assistant when Quattro Club USA was first formed in 1984. Darlene was a tireless organizer, who ensured everyone was welcomed as an Audi enthusiast and club member.
Member of the Year Chapter winners and National MOY nominees are:
2017 MOY winner, Jim Barton, Wisconsin Chapter. Nominated by Mary Medo, Jay Morgenroth and Mark Prodoehl. “Most new members meet Jim Barton for the first time when he calls to welcome them into our club and tell them about all the benefits and the events they can attend as members. He makes the same type of calls to members who are up for renewal. This effort was recognized, and he was asked to make a presentation to all the chapter leaders during one of the monthly chapter calls. His presentation generated over 30 minutes of questions and suggestions regarding different scenarios from the call attendees. Jim is involved in a leadership/mentoring role with every event that the Wisconsin Chapter holds. Jim believes that our members are our customers in that they pay to belong to the ACNA and he works hard to make sure that each event is a quality event, of interest to our customers and Audi dealers. Jim is in charge of the Chapter’s Facebook page, he is consistently getting our events posted and believes in the importance of consistent and timely communication not only through our Chapter website but also through email blasts and social media.”
Donna Lucchio, Golden Gate Chapter. Nominated by Troy Sicotte and the Golden Gate Board of Directors. “Donna always greets fellow member with a big smile, warm welcome and passion for the club, she’s an instrumental part of our events, organizing and managing our registration, without her, our events simply would not be what they are. She’s a great problem solver and even when things get hectic, she remains cool, calm and collected. She does this for the love of the club and the people in it. Donna is always promoting the club, whether it’s at an event or at a non-club related car event.”
Steen Morup-Olsen, Georgia Chapter. Nominated by Erica Dailey. “Steen is a very active lifetime member as well as being the longest standing member of the Georgia Chapter since 1998. The Show n’ Shine Events held at both the National Event and quattro de Mayo were spearheaded by Steen. He designed and printed the posters, car signs and voting forms that were used and made the events both popular and well run. Steen opened his home on Lake Hartwell to the club for the annual summer picnic and members from both the Georgia and Carolina Chapters had a great time.”
Todd Peach, Northwest Chapter. Nominated by David Kelley, Cris Brickey and Scott Haynes. “Todd is a social media ninja and is well-respected across numerous groups in the Pacific Northwest and California. He’s a well-respected on-line “influencer” and is becoming an exceptional conduit for ACNW into new uncultivated markets. Todd has been running our Driving Skills and Teen Clinics for the past 2+ years which is always a great way to recruit new members. His desire to make our Driving Skills events the best in the country has led him to attend/work with other clubs to see what strengths/weaknesses our program has vs. theirs.”
John Palumbo, St. Louis Chapter. Nominated by Larry Stoneman. “John is one of our Driving Instructors and attends many ACNA racetrack events. He organized the first Teen Clinic for St. Louis Chapter in 2006. John maintains sponsorships with numerous club partner companies in our local area.”
Anthony Rivara, Northeast Chapter. Nominated by Tom Mullane. “Anthony has been a dedicated ambassador for the club. He helped write the manual for the training procedure and spend countless hours coaching candidates into full instructor roles. Anthony has not missed an NEQ-sponsored driving event in many years. He attends many different driving events and converts about a dozen drivers a year to the Audi Club.”
Saul Rivkin, Mid-Atlantic Chapter. Nominated by Mike Curry. “Saul Rivkin is the consummate ACNA Mid-Atlantic Chapter member. During events, Saul helps to ensure that the benefits of the ACNA, the Mid-Atlantic Chapter membership and the Audi brand are promoted. Saul is very knowledgeable about Audi vehicles and is a ‘technical magnet’ for those who want to explore the mechanical details of our magnificent machines.”
Justin and Shana Scarberry, Kentucky Chapter. Nominated by Tim Mays and Bud Dannemiller. “Justin and Shana are always promoting the Audi brand and Audi Club…whether at a club sponsored event or a meeting, you can typically find them decked out in the appropriate Audi / Audi Club apparel. Neither is shy about wanting to roll up their sleeves and help in getting sponsors. Justin and Shana can be found at any of the local show-and-shine events in their immediate area as well as driving to other chapter activities 100s of miles away.”
Audi Club North America is the largest Audi owners club in the world. Over 10,000 members share the passion of Audi ownership across the US and Canada by engaging in activities organized by their fellow Audi Club members. The 31 Audi Club North America Chapters conduct over 450 events per year, providing unique opportunities to enhance the Audi ownership experience by offering exciting, fun, social, technical and driver education activities in North America