No Way. Audi Norway and General Motors in Big Game Electric Car Fish Slap Fight!

This year's Super Bow.... we mean Big Game is literally tomorrow, and the advertisements are getting plenty of attention. This year's Super Bowl in Roman numerology is "LV", but maybe it should be "EV" given the international incident that seems to have stemmed from this year's ads. Yeah, yeah... LV is roman numerology, not an acronym. In a world of electric cars dubbed "Turbo" (love you Porsche) or electric Mustangs with aeronautical speeds as represented incorrectly by letters (Mach E...

Audi And Maisie Williams Invite The World To “Let It Go” And Embrace Electric Future In Game Day Spot

[gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="42488"] source: Audi AG Audi returns to the Big Game by encouraging audiences to let go of the past and drive into an era of radical reinvention Cinematic spot features all-new Audi e-tron Sportback and sets scene for sharing brand’s path towards sustainable premium mobility Spot represents first installment and worldwide kick-off of global Audi brand campaign Audi returns to the biggest night in American football with a musicall...

Audi Presents: New Santa

words: Bill Cho, video: Audi In last year's Audi holiday campaign, we watched the all-true agony of finding a parking the mall...during holiday shopping. Shudder My personal favorite was the short titled Ever After which starred a young girl and her favorite fairytale. In the newest holiday campaign from Audi, we see Santa Claus doing...well...Santa Claus things: driving his sleigh, going down a chimney, placing gifts under the tree...

Dan Is Selling His Audi!

words: Bill Cho, video: Alfa Romeo USA YouTube Remember the continuation of the 'Billboard Wars' between Audi and BMW? Well several months and in the original billboard war case, years later, Alfa Romeo has decided to jump into the fray. Here stands Dan. He's a successful businessman. He loves his Audi. It helps him close deals but... Shots fired. It'll be interesting to see if Audi returns the salvo...or maybe Audi will have better things to do like actually selling cars. En...

Audi Sits Out The Big Game Ad Game This Year

Audi of America will skip airing an ad this year, following the practice of fielding an ad all but one of the last ten years. It appears to be one of several car manufacturers including Honda, Mercedes-Benz, General Motors and Ford who are believed to be sitting out the game. Ad Age has reported that the brand had remained one of the few returning brands that had yet to confirm its presence during the game, though a spokeswoman from the brand finally did so to the marketing publication Friday...