Cinco (Cylinders) de Mayo Find of the Day: 1985 Copenhagen Blue Audi Sport quattro

words: Bill, photos: Woow Motors

I know I’ve already posted a Find of the Day that also happens to be 5 cylinders today but this beats that…by a Swiss country mile. I say Swiss because it is located in Couvet Val-de travers, Switzerland. This is a Copenhagen Blue Sport quattro. I have to admit, it’s my second favorite color after Malachite Green…or Tornado Red. Actually, it could be Toyota Beige® and I would still love it. Here’s the ad (translated from French):

Magnificent rare collector in the state of the new mechanics and bodywork! Vehicle appraised as a veteran 20.12.2019! Great service done, new tires! Only 21 vehicles produced in the world in Copenhagen blue! Vehicle with factory certificate! 

And that’s it…no more description. Good news is that it only has 50,600km (31,441 miles) on the clock. Better news is that it’s a pretty rare color for an already rare car. Maybe not so great news (unless you’re the seller) is that it’s listed for up to €650,000 ($704,759 USD). I say up to because the dealer is taking offers and they estimate the Sport quattro is worth anywhere between €580,000 to €650,000 ($628,862 – $704,750USD). You can find this 1985 Copenhagen Blue Audi Sport quattro HERE. Happy Cinco (Cylinder) de Mayo!