2024 Holiday Party Photos online.


January 20, 2024 – On a very cold Milwaukee evening, Audi Club Wisconsin had its 2024 Holiday Party and Dinner at the Audi Milwaukee dealership. Over 33 club members and some of the Audi Milwaukee employees enjoyed a great buffet dinner catered by Alioto’s of Milwaukee

Audi Milwaukee
Club President, Mark Prodoehl and Audi Milwaukee General Manager, Tony Martino


Hot cars, good food and great camaraderie!

Again, we want to thank our gracious host and sponsor, Audi Milwaukee for opening their showroom and facilities to us. We would also like to thank our co-sponsor, Audi North Shore for their support for this event. More photos can be seen at https://photos.app.goo.gl/EEQbLA55KGRbMjPv6