Corona Pandemic: AUDI AG Takes Stock After Difficult First Quarter

[gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="28211"] source: Audi AG Volumes and key financials significantly impacted by regulatory and economic consequences of corona crisis Lockdowns and closed dealerships worldwide: Audi delivered 352,993 cars to customers in a difficult first quarter Revenue of €12.5 billion, operating return on sales of 0.1 percent Net cash flow of approximately €1 billion, net liquidity of €18.8 billion CFO Arno Antlitz: “Audi is in a ro...

Audi Starts Challenging Year With Successful First Quarter

[source: Audi AG] Audi Group: €15.3 billion revenue, €1.3 billion operating profit, operating return on sales of 8.5 percent CFO Alexander Seitz: “A solid basis to meet growing challenges” High self-financing strength: Significant increase in net cash flow to €1.9 billion In the first quarter of 2018, the Audi Group surpassed its revenue and operating profit of the prior-year period. The operating return on sales of 8.5 percent was once again within the stra...