Member Profile – Julian Hang – Austin

“I am 44 and have always loved cars since I was 10 years old when my father first bought a German car for my mother in the early 80’s. I grew up in Houston, Texas and always attended the annual Houston Auto Show where I got to see the latest and greatest cars. My room growing up was plastered with nothing but car pictures, posters and model cars.
I always drove trucks, but really had that desire to own a German sports car, especially one that was all-wheel drive. In 2013, Audi brought to the US the Allroad Quattro. I fell in love with it because it looked more aggressive and off-roadish than a standard Avant. Having an active lifestyle and 3 dogs, the Allroad was perfect, so I waited patiently for my local dealer to receive one that that had all the specs I wanted. In Late Nov ’13, I purchased my first Audi Allroad. As a travel agent, I travel 3-4 months of the year and work from home so my Allroad has low miles. I always look forward to coming home and driving my Allroad.
I discovered that there was a local Audi club so I attended one of the Austin ACLS monthly luncheons. The group was really friendly and talked about an upcoming National event, the 2016 PWC at COTA in Austin. I checked my schedule and was available to attend, so I registered to be a member of Audi Club of North America and the event. Ever since that awesome experience at PWC (Car Corral, Hot Laps, Pit Access, etc), I have attended as many local car events as I can. I can’t wait until the Lone star Le Mans in September!”