NOTICE – Candidates Announced for November 2017 ACLS Board of Directors Election

Candidates Announced for November 2017 Board of Directors Election

In accordance with our By-Laws, an election for three seats on the Board of Directors will be held in November 2017. The two incumbents are Anita Tavakley, currently serving in the appointed position of Secretary, and Barrett Lanier, currently serving in the appointed position of Treasurer. Darrin Rich, currently serving in the appointed position of Events Director, will not be returning to the Board of Directors in 2018, but will continue to volunteer his services in the DFW area.

A new candidate has been nominated, Angelo Santiago, of the Rio Grande Valley area, and his campaign statement is below.

Statement by Angelo Santiago

“1) Describe your history with ACNA/ACLS.

My history with ACNA /ACLS started in 2016 when my wife and I became members. A short time later, I started organizing the social events in the RGV area. It has not been an easy task, volunteer work never is, but the club  presence in this area is now a reality. We’ve also acquired the support of various local vendors such as restaurants and high-end auto detailing shops.

2) Why are you interested in joining the Audi Club Lone Star Board of Directors (BoD)?.

I’m interested in experiencing how the organization operates at this level and also provide the BoD with a fresh new perspective.

3) What three items would you like to help address if elected onto the ACLS BoD?

A. To improve the current method of promotion, marketing and recruitment of new members.

B. To further develop and strengthen our relationship with the dealerships, and

C. To increase member benefits within the great state of Texas.

4) Why should members vote for you to represent them on the BoD?

I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be part of this process. I believe all individuals involved in running this organization need constant help from its members in order to be successful.  If given the opportunity, I will do my best to enhance the club’s experience by working on the above mentioned goals and keep our members interests our top priority.”

Candidates biographies are available for your review here:

Anita Tavakley

Barrett Lanier

Angelo Santiago


Members are encouraged to participate in the voting process for your Board of Directors for the elected term of 2018 through 2020. An electronic ballot will be sent out in November to all current active members of ACLS. Please make sure that your email address and contact information is current on the ACNA rolls.

You can verify your contact information on the ACNA app, the ACNA web site, or by calling ACNA at (262) 567-5476. Also, please be sure that your anti-spam software is set to pass any emails from, including [email protected].

Please direct any questions regarding the election to [email protected]

Your Board of Directors