The Ultimate European Adventure: An Inside Look at the Dolce Vita R8 Spyder Tour

Audi Club North America is pleased to offer a variety of engaging opportunities for our club members, including the esteemed Dolce Vita R8 Spyder tour. Set against the picturesque backdrops of Germany and Italy, this exhilarating tour promises an unparalleled experience. Beginning in Hallbergmoos, participants traverse the northern Alps with the dynamic Audi R8 Spyder, indulge in Italian cuisine surrounding Lake Garda, and enjoy Alpine vistas and gourmet delights in Telfs-Buchen. 

As we look forward to our upcoming tours this October, we caught up with David Andrews, a long-time Audi Club member, to delve into his experiences on the Dolce Vita tour and other club activities.

Can you start by telling us a little about yourself and how you got involved with the Audi Club?

David: I got involved with the Audi Club around 2013, after returning to the U.S. from Australia. I purchased my first Q5 and later added an R8 to the collection. The club appealed to me because of the various track events and safety schools offered by local chapters. These events have been a fantastic way to learn about car control and to drive in some incredible locations. 

Speaking of incredible locations, could you share some highlights from your experiences with the Dolce Vita tour?

David: The Dolce Vita tour was unforgettable. As I mentioned, I owned an R8 in San Francisco, but I mostly drove it to and from the airport, as I was traveling frequently at the time. I still had a lot of fun with the vehicle there, but having the opportunity to drive the R8 during the Dolce Vita tour took things to another level. Here, you are getting the keys to a supercar and embarking on an amazing journey with the vehicle and a wonderful community of enthusiasts. 

We drove from Munich through the Austrian Alps and the Dolomites in Italy. The scenery was breathtaking, and driving an R8 on those roads was an exhilarating experience. All of the meals were exquisite, and the details overall were impeccable. I remember one of the desserts displayed the four Audi rings on top, which was a nice touch. The tour was well-organized but also offered a lot of freedom and autonomy. We had destinations set for lunch and overnight stays, but we could choose our own routes to get there, making it feel like a true adventure.

Driving through the winding roads of the Dolomites and the Austrian Alps in an R8 was incredible. One of my favorite moments was driving through the Stelvio Pass. The challenging hairpin turns and the breathtaking views made it an exhilarating experience that tested my driving skills and pushed the R8 to its limits. The combination of sharp turns, long stretches, and the stunning backdrop made for a perfect driving experience.


What other aspects of the tour stood out to you?

David: The accommodations were top-notch. One of the hotels that we stayed in was a beautiful resort with an infinity pool overlooking Lake Garda. It was stunning. The dining opportunities, as I mentioned, were a delight. One meal that stands out took place at an ancient castle in Verona. After parking our Audis right out front, we felt like VIPs as we enjoyed a delicious lunch with panoramic views of the city. 

All aspects of the tour were managed seamlessly. You’re given the car, and the navigation guides you effortlessly to each destination. If there are any delays, the tour administrators are in touch via phone, ensuring a stress-free journey. Additional vans drive along the tour routes, similar to pit crews at a Formula One race, ready with everything from spare tires to logistical support, ensuring participants can focus on enjoying the drive and the stunning scenery. All of these details are handled for you so that you can truly enjoy the journey care-free. 

I would say that the combination of great food, great company, great views, and great support made the tour one for the books.

Community is a vital aspect of Audi Club. How would you describe the social aspect of the tour?

David: Much of my experience with my local Audi Club chapter has included time on the track, which has been great, but on those days, I am often the most focused on driving. During longer events, though, like the Dolce Vita tour, you spend several days with the same group and have the chance to really connect with people during that time. 

It was wonderful to experience the tour alongside a diverse group of participants who each brought their own stories and experiences. Dinners, in particular, were a great opportunity to unwind and share about the day’s adventures with one another. I’ve stayed in touch with a few couples I met on the Dolce Vita tour. The shared experiences and adventures created a strong bond, and it’s always great to reconnect with them whenever possible. 

You mentioned track days. Can you share more about your experience with driver’s education programs through Audi Club and your local chapter in California?

David: Audi Club’s driver education programs are fantastic. They’re designed to make you a better and safer driver, which is incredibly valuable for our communities. Track events are a significant part of this, offering a controlled environment to really understand the capabilities of your car, including vehicle dynamics and other technical areas, and to improve your driving skills by learning directly from fabulous Audi instructors. These types of opportunities through local chapters are highly valuable for people of all ages. There’s just so much you can learn about navigating a vehicle safely, as well as enjoying the vehicle to a greater degree. 

It’s wonderful to hear about your participation in Audi Club’s driver education programs, along with spirited drives during the Dolce Vita R8 Spyder tour. What would you say to someone considering participating in this tour specifically?

David: Don’t hesitate! The Dolce Vita tour is an incredible experience that combines the thrill of driving with the beauty of Europe’s landscapes. You get to drive top-of-the-line Audi vehicles on some of the best roads in the world. Plus, the camaraderie and friendships you build along the way are priceless. It’s an adventure you’ll remember for a lifetime. This year will be my second Dolce Vita trip, and I’m looking forward to driving those beautiful routes again and connecting with fellow Audi enthusiasts.

Just two spots remain for Audi Club North America’s 2024 Dolce Vita Tours, taking place October 17-22 and October 24-29. Click here to learn more.