Audi Club Glacier Lakes Ice Driving Event – Canceled

Date/Time :
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Update Feb. 3: We unfortunately have to cancel the remaining Ice Driving Events for 2023. The conditions of the ice and snow on the lake will not allow us to hold a safe event this year.


Audi Club North America – Glacier Lakes Chapter hosts Winter Ice Driving Events at Lake Cynthia in Prior Lake, MN. The event is a great opportunity to hone your winter driving skills in safe and controlled environment. We’ll have a challenging set of exercises set up including a skid pad, slalom course, and the always popular “road course.”

No experience required – this is a chance to learn and refine low-traction driving skills.

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Drivers will receive an introduction and tips from staff, experienced drivers, and instructors prior to starting on the course. Drivers can then spend at much time as they can handle testing their skills on the course. There are no classroom sessions or in-car instruction provided at this event.

Audi Club North America membership is REQUIRED* to attend. (Not yet a member? Join now! Sign up at Join ACNA before completing your registration for this event.) Attendees must register online prior to the event.


You do not need to bring an Audi. All makes and model in good mechanical condition are welcome.

Click on the tickets link to learn more and register for the event!

*Effective Jan. 1, 2023 Audi Club Glacier Lakes requires drivers at Ice Driving events to be members of ACNA.

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