Carolinas News: A Message from your Board Leaders
Hello Carolinas Members,
We have some exciting news to share with you about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. As some may know, we’ve experienced some recent changes to our Leadership team and Area Leads, but that has not stopped us from pushing forward with just as much passion and enthusiasm as ever for our club! Audi Club Carolinas would not exist without our members, our volunteers, and our generous sponsors.
We are committed to getting more of you, our members, involved with the club in ways that meet your interests, skills, and availability. We are currently looking for volunteers to help support club activity in and around the Charlotte and Greensboro areas, along with volunteers to support our working board committees. If you would like to know more about how you could help or have questions about our club’s priorities, please reach out on Facebook or email us at [email protected] . Our board has recently developed resources which outline our Area Lead volunteer roles and we would be happy to share those with you. We plan to highlight a volunteer in each of our upcoming newsletters so those behind the scenes can tell you more about themselves, their work, and how they’re supporting our Audi Club Community in the Carolinas.
We’re excited to formally announce our 2023 Audi Club Carolinas Sponsors! We’re so grateful for their support. You can also show your support too, by taking advantage of their services to meet all of your automotive needs.
-Jess Ewing and Carolinas Board Leadership
Our 2023 Audi Club Carolinas Sponsors:
(In Alphabetical Order)
Upcoming Events:
We are excited to host our second annual Coastal Tour on 3/24-26 in the Wilmington NC, area. Be on the lookout for full event coverage in the next Quattro Quarterly magazine issue.
Another exciting announcement is our Club’s first independent track day on 4/25 at CMP in Kershaw SC. Rob Wilmoth, with the support of our Audi Club Carolinas Track Committee, has been working tirelessly to plan this awesome opportunity and we want to invite fellow ACNA Members to experience the track, regardless of your experience level. Drive class groups will be organized by experience and in-car instructors will be riding along with our Novice class drivers. Registration is open on Motorsportreg and there are still slots available so don’t miss this rare opportunity to experience your car on the track!
Audi Club North America National Event:
The Carolinas Experience
Our Club’s Events and Marketing Committees are working to finalize details as Carolinas will host its first-ever Audi Club North America National Event this fall at Fontana Village, near the infamous Tail of the Dragon! Keep your eyes peeled for registration opening in Q2. Registration link will be added to our website once it goes live.
For a full list of upcoming events please follow our Facebook page and check out our website at: