Audi Club’s Performance Driver Education Committee Supports the Motorsport Safety Foundation

 Audi Club’s Performance Driver Education Committee 

Supports the Motorsport Safety Foundation 

The Performance Driver Education Committee (PDEC) was created by ACNA’s Board of Directors to help ACNA chapters produce safe, educational and fun wheels-in-motion events to be enjoyed by ACNA members. Driving events supported by ACNA and its chapters include Driver Education/HPDE, Driver Skills/CCC, teen clinics, autocross, fun drives and more. The PDEC assists chapters that wish to put on driving events for the first time or that want to improve their existing programs. 

In particular, organizing a high performance driver education event (HPDE) presents many challenges. A key element of a successful and safe HPDE is providing a sufficient number of qualified instructors. The PDEC recognizes the difficulty chapters may face in finding or training qualified HPDE instructors and provides resources to help chapters identify and train qualified instructors. One of those resources is the Motorsport Safety Foundation (MSF) Certified Instructor Program. 

The Motorsport Safety Foundation is an education-focused non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the standards for HPDE schools, instructor training programs, and Instructors for the purpose of providing a safer, better quality experience. The PDEC supports the Motorsport Safety Foundation and their efforts to standardize the training and certification of HPDE instructors. 

PDEC encourages all ACNA chapters to become familiar with MSF’s Level 1 and Level 2 programs for HPDE instructors and to consider becoming an MSF Level 2 certified chapter. 

MSF’s website is here: