Audi Club North America COVID-19 Event Planning

COVID-19 Event Planning

Each day brings new updates on big event cancellations and company office closures. As Canada and the United States transition from containment to mitigation of infection spread, we ask each chapter to monitor planned events around the local situation carefully and have a contingency plan in place that protects your members, their families, and chapter financial liability. In light of this, we are cancelling the “National Event” with our Lone Star chapter that was scheduled to take place this October. There is simply too much risk, from financial to health, to continue planning this event as a national gathering. The Lone Star chapter is exploring plans on continuing with their usual regional event.

With all of this in mind, The Board of Directors and Central Office are offering these guidelines:

  1. Negotiate vendor and venue contracts with COVID-19 specific cancellation contracts/agreements.

  2. Though we do not anticipate a need to mandate event cancellations, we ask that each chapter establish a strict go/no-go date leading up to the event.

  3. If the chapter’s event committee approves a “go”, we ask that event staff set up the event cautiously and supply goods that will mitigate any potential infection or spread. This may mean reducing the size of the event, supplying CDC-recommended disinfectant supplies, and a no-tolerance policy on sick attendees.

  4. Please utilize this CDC resource page to strategize on your event accordingly: 

  5. For wheels-in-motion driving events, classroom, or tech sessions, the chapter event masters may want to reach out to the Performance Driving Education Committee as these events pose unique challenges due to the close proximity of students and instructors in cars and classrooms. PDEC Committee Chair is John Sullivan: [email protected]