Saturday March 2nd Phoenix to Cottonwood Run/ Social Drive (Please RSVP)

We will rendezvous at 8:00am sharp at; Phoenix Collision & Custom Paint LLC, 2560 N 33rd Ave, Phoenix 85009.

The Owner and Audi Club member Josh Byland is the event organizer and has agreed to host a breakfast and tour of his facility.

After breakfast we will roll out and head for some excellent twisty roads and canyon runs, we will be stopping for lunch at a highly recommended lunch spot; pasta sandwiches and wine.
The route will be:…

Come out, enjoy a great day of driving, some good food and wine and stretch the legs on your Audi. This will also be a great opportunity for us to check out each others cars.
Please RSVP with Josh Byland at; [email protected] or call him on; 602 570 2775